The cage size of 1.25 m*0.8 m will be arranged by back-to-back type, it can save space better. Because the depth of the cage is not big, that will be benefit for catching the chicken.
Customers from Senegal
They're interested in our feeding system on the floor, and gave high marks with it. We took them to our customer's farm which are installing, they said "It's amazing, we'll contact to you after our farm has done!"
Customers from Xinjiang
We have a warmly meal together, and they visited our company next day. We had talked about our products for the whole afternoon. Finally, they signed the contract with us satisfactorily.
Customers from Indonesia
They asked for visiting our factory and workshop which can show a company for what it really is, so we took them around our company, including our factory, workshop, warehouse, and the sample room. They told me that it's the really way we are, and they'll always look to our products.